Unorganized, but it will come with time:
and yes, I know some things are "broken", but I've run out of time. They'll get fixed, I promise!

Bubba The Wonder Dog, age 2-ish

Still my Baby Boy, age 13-ish

Although she won't remember, she'll always have a part of me with her
Take good care of her, Julie!

At least we know Carly will have an amusing future!
Nice aim, Scott & Julie!!

Okay, so it took 6 adults to accompany a great kid to see Disney On Ice
We called that a good excuse to have fun!

Gives "Life on the farm" a whole new meaning, huh?

The "great kid" as referenced above, and her daddy.
More of my "other" family, Gary and Kayla

Sometimes Life on the Fam gets cleaned up a little. Tommy & Tashan Aug. 2004

My Charlotte family, Sam, Ginger & me hangin' on the front porch...

Alex and A.J. Harris, being, well, Alex & A.J. in Dad's - er, that'd be Granddad to them! - driveway

I think Paul Simon summed it up... "Still Crazy After All These Years". Ric-ard, Daddy, and Gene in Myrtle Beach, circa 2002

Jerry's such a hoot! Who let the riff-raff in? (Same party, 2002)

More good friends, Pam and her daughter, Sara

Did you put that camera up yet??

Great friends, rocky road, bright future!

My mom and Lady

My uncle, Frank, and my aunt, Marie-Therese

Nice 'Burban...Pur-r-r-ty!

Front view

Susan and me in the hotel in New Orleans. Proof, you really can meet some good friends in a chat room!

Speaking of friends from chat rooms, it's my favorite Swede (okay, so I only know two...), Sven!!

No wait, that's what my brother called him because he couldn't pronounce "Jörgen"

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